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Fetching Data With Custom React Hooks


So there I was, bored during ‘Great Covid Social Distancing’, I have come across Wes Bos’s video about fetching data with React Hooks. It was something that I had kept seeing but never put into action too much. So naturally, I had tried it with Typescript. Which was successful, but I was not happy with it. There was no type safety of it. No route definitions, no response schemes. I knew that if I was to use it on a larger scale application, type safety would be great help both documentation and prevent random usages within the team.

As a demo, I have used JSONPlaceholder API. I used the Posts, Users and Comments endpoint. As a start I had defined the fields that I would be using from those resources:

export interface IPost {
  id: number;
  userId: number;
  title: string;
  body: string;

export interface IComment {
  id: number;
  postId: number;
  name: string;
  email: string;
  body: string;

export interface IUser {
  id: number;
  name: string;
  email: string;

And obviously, I would need some filtering, some pagination as well. I have defined possible filtering and pagination parameters as a single interface. The better approach would be to separate them, but … you know … laziness and stuff … I had dishes to wash …

interface FilterParams {
  userId?: string;
  postId?: string;
  _page?: number;
  _limit?: number;

Now the magic: Generic types. Generic types allow you to define a type that can be one of many types. And you can get this type on function call and use it as you will. I have defined my response type as a union type:

type ResponseTypes = IPost | IPost[] | IComment | IComment[] | IUser | IUser[];

Then I defined my useApi method with this type and casted it to my data state:

const useApi = <T extends ResponseTypes>(path: string, params?: FilterParams) => {
  const [data, setData] = useState<T | null>(null);

So what happens here is T is a generic type extending ResponseType so we know which types it can inherit. Then this type T is being casted to data as well. So when we use it on a component we know what we will be getting, hence type safety and the great code completion come with it.

Usage in a component is fairly simple as well:

const { data: post, loading } = useApi<IPost>(`/posts/${id}`);

With usage like this we know for sure that post is either null, which is before loaded, or IPost after being loaded. Neato!

Further usages

After doing this I have decided to test for some other common use cases when using an API as well.

Pagination and filtering

For pagination I have done a small trick with useEffect. Simply I have put the filter parameters into dependency array of the useEffect doing the fetch call. Then I have written a small function that changes the filter parameters as well. Rest is easy, call the function returned from the useApi and the data will be refreshed automatically. The important part is to wrap the changeParams function with useCallback to prevent infinite renders:

const changeParams = useCallback((newParams: FilterParams) => {
}, [])

In the component you can safely use it in a useEffect call this way:

useEffect(() => {
  changeParams({ _limit: currentCount });
}, [currentCount, changeParams])


Most of the time depending on the actions on the page you’ll want to refetch the data. For example, if this was a Twitter kind of feed, you would have wanted to refetch data in every 5 seconds or so. To achieve this, I have up a refetch flag on the useApi and put it into useEffect dependencies as well. Then I have returned another memoized function called refetch which would toggle the flag I have set, causing refetching. Easy peasy.

const refetch = useCallback(() => {
  setRefetchToggle(r => !r);
}, [])

The whole codebase can be found here. Also the demo, although the UI is not the best or even good, can be found here.